A Case Study of the Impact of Buying Dissertations Online on the PIRC Vermont Initiative


The PIRC Vermont Initiative is a statewide partnership aimed at promoting parent involvement in education. The initiative has been successful in increasing parent engagement and improving academic outcomes for students. However, the initiative faced a challenge when it was discovered that some partners had buy dissertations online. In this case study, we will examine the impact of buying dissertations online on the PIRC Vermont Initiative.


The PIRC Vermont Initiative is a collaboration between the Vermont Agency of Education, the Vermont Family Network, and several other organizations aimed at improving parent involvement in education. The initiative provides training, resources, and support to parents and educators to improve student outcomes. The initiative has been successful in increasing parent engagement, improving attendance, and reducing disciplinary incidents.

The Discovery of Purchased Dissertations

In 2018, it was discovered that several partners in the PIRC Vermont Initiative had purchased dissertations online. This discovery caused concern among the other partners, as buying dissertations online is seen as a breach of academic integrity and can compromise the quality of research produced.

Impact on Trust and Credibility

The discovery of purchased dissertations had a significant impact on the trust and credibility of the PIRC Vermont Initiative. Partners who had purchased dissertations were seen as not fully committed to the project and not willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve success. This led to strained relationships between partners and a loss of trust in the research produced by the initiative.

Impact on Project Outcomes

The impact of buying dissertations online on the PIRC Vermont Initiative was also felt in the project outcomes. The research produced by partners who had purchased dissertations was of questionable quality, containing errors and plagiarism. This compromised the validity of the research produced by the initiative and may have led to inaccuracies in the findings.

Impact on Ethical Considerations

The purchase of dissertations online also raised ethical concerns in the PIRC Vermont Initiative. Buying dissertations online is considered academic dishonesty and goes against the values of academic integrity that are central to the initiative. It also raises concerns about the respect for intellectual property rights of the original authors.

Response to the Discovery

Once the discovery of purchased dissertations was made, the PIRC Vermont Initiative took immediate action to address the issue. Partners who had purchased dissertations were asked to disclose their actions and to take steps to rectify the situation. This included re-writing sections of their research, seeking guidance from academic advisors, and participating in ethics training.

Lessons Learned

The discovery of purchased dissertations had a significant impact on the PIRC Vermont Initiative. However, it also provided an opportunity for the initiative to learn and grow. Partners learned the importance of academic integrity and the need to maintain high ethical standards in research. The initiative also put in place measures to ensure that all partners understand the consequences of academic dishonesty and the need to respect intellectual property rights.


In conclusion, the impact of buying dissertations online on the PIRC Vermont Initiative was significant. It damaged trust and credibility, compromised the quality of research produced, and raised ethical concerns around academic integrity and intellectual property rights. However, the PIRC Vermont Initiative was able to address the issue and take steps to ensure that all partners understand the importance of academic integrity and the need to maintain high ethical standards in research. By learning from this experience, the initiative has become stronger and more committed to its goal of promoting parent involvement in education.

PIRC Vermont
Vermont Family Network

Funding for this project is provided by
the U.S. Department of Education, .
The content herein does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Education.

© Vermont Family Network